Information about minutes and Agendas.
The agenda of the next meeting will be published below and also on the parish noticeboards in both Brimpsfield and Caudle Green at least 3 clear days before the meeting. The legal requirement is to publish the agenda within the locality, but it is good practice to post close to the meeting venue.
Minutes are uploaded following the meetings of the Council. Draft minutes are yet to be agreed by Council and are subject to alteration.
The Council is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of November January, March and May – all start at 7.30pm –
However these dates are subject to change and it is only when an Agenda is published that the meeting date is confirmed
The Parish Assembly takes place between March and June annually
come and join us to find out about the work of the Council and give us your views on the way ahead
Minutes & Agendas
The draft minutes of the previous meeting are attached to the published agenda. When they are approved they are then posted as a separate document
Financial reports are attached to the agendas